Right now there are a variety of ways to get student loans forgiven--and for folks with a modest income the interest is deductible--and if you continue with schooling you get interest free float--and places like Yale give you free tuition anyway if your parents earn less than 100,000--so what more do you want!
Next you'll want me to pay you to get As or B's----absurd! (Whoops, Sorry but we already do that is some public schools.)
At some point it begins to sound like kids are entitled to 4 years party time.
Hey my MIL spends about $8000 a MONTH for care in a nursing home at age 97--it really hurts to cash in her limited resources in a down market--so why don't you come up with a plan to help her--after all she has very limited time to recover and most college kids have a long life ahead of them to recover from a down market..
(Were I less honest I'd deliberately impoverish her and send the bill to the public dole along with most others!)